Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NU'EST Debut Video

   Remember how in my first post I said that the plot line of NU'EST's video was confusing? Well, I just watched it again and I think I get it now. The boys who beat him up were part of a rival gang I suppose. I guess he got beat up because he was acting like too much of a big-shot. Later, the kid who got beat up slumps against the lockers and sinks to the ground, then Aron comes, offers his hand to the kid, and helps him up. In the beginning of the video, JR tries to put the kid back in his place when the he pushes another guy to the ground, it was like a showdown between 2 strong forces to me. So I think they were trying to help the kid.
    Anyhow, I get the overall concept of the video and it fits the song very well.

What do you think?

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